According to my secret source, he always checks in under an alias. Zack: You need a life! London: Is the critic here yet? Moseby: Oh, well, there's no way of knowing. Cody: Don't you mean showering chef Paolo in glory? Moseby: Him, too. A good review from him will enhance the Tipton's reputation, thus showering me with glory. I just got a tip that the food critic Bernard Bernaise is coming to the hotel tomorrow. Moseby: Cody, you hang out in the hotel kitchen a lot, don't you? Cody: Yes! Moseby: Well, don't. Zack: Well, I have a hot blonde in the lobby. Zack: Cody! There's a supermodel checking in! Come on! Cody: I can't. Zack: Well, then, that'll make it easier!Ĭody: London, get out there and toss a salad. Zack: Did I ever tell you how pretty you are when you're angry? Maddie: Well, I must be gorgeous because I'm furious! Heck's Kitchen Cody: Zack, stuff the chicken with vegetables! Zack: What if she doesn't like them? Cody: She's dead. Zack: Hey, recycling cans is important, and I love this planet, and I want our children to live in a better place. Zack: (to Cody) She wants me.Ĭarey: I am so pleased that you boys care about the environment. Do you know why? 'Cause I love this planet as much as I love you. Cody: Ow! Little boy, don't you know it's not nice to kick people in the shin? Cody: Ow! Look, Kid, I know Santa, and someone just made the Naughty List! Johnny: I'm Jewish!
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Johnny: Do you like coloring? Cody: I sure do, little one! In the first grade, I won a free ice cream sundae for my work on the "Enchanted Pony Island Coloring Book"! Johnny: You're weird. Zack: Don't you know any lullabies that don't involve decapitating poultry? Day Care London: You never gave up on me when I was learning the alphabet! Moseby: But that took 14 years! London: And now I know my ABDs.Įsteban: Rock-a-bye, chicken, in the tree top. Moseby: I'd rather lick the inside of a city bus. Cody: You really think it looks goofy?Ĭody: I know what you're up to! Don't think for one second I don't know what you're up to! I know exactly what you're up to! What are you up to?Ĭody: I wanna ask Jolie out. Zack: Like a backstabbing French-girl-stealing jerk in a goofy sweater vest. Bob: Where are they going? Moseby: With any luck, the Bermuda TriangleĬody: How do I look? And be brutal. French 101 London: You can't have this purse! It doesn't match your outfit! London: So he came Bach from the dead?Ĭarey: OK guys. London: Where's he been? Maddie: He's dead. Just tell him your favorite composer is Bach. London: No, look I mean I can't understand a single thing he says.

I'm not a grammar snob, but it's just egregious when somebody uses the subjective case instead of the accusative case, hahaha! London: Hahahaha! Will you accuse me for one moment? Maddie, help me! I can't get through this lunch. Trevor: And then she said "who" instead of "whom". Zack: Found it! Cody: The game board? Zack: And the other half of my sandwich! Cody: If mum sees this, she'll be ticked. All I found was two bagels, a soda and some cheese balls. Cody: Where did you look? Zack: The refrigerator. Cody: Where have you been? I asked you to get me some more dust rags half an hour ago! Zack: I couldn't find any. London: Are you here for the merit scholar thing? Trevor: Yeah, yeah, I'm Trevor, Phi Beta Kappa. London: Why would I ask him what time it is? Maddie: You got me! London: Hi! Trevor: Hi. Like that guy would give you the time of day. Maddie: Yeah, he is! London: Called him! Maddie: Oh, please. Maddie: (lets go) I hate you! Trevor: I hate you more! (kisses Maddie again) London: I wonder what they would do if they liked each other. Maddie: Yes, because they're to blame! Trevor: Oh, cry me a river! Maddie: If I did you'd pollute it! Trevor: You bleeding heart liberal! Maddie: Establishment puppet! Trevor: Do you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you? Maddie: I'm surprised that someone as smart as you would have to ask! (kisses Trevor) London: (turns to a guy) Wow, didn't see that coming. Trevor: Next you're going to blame the oil companies for global warming. Maddie: If you have it your way there won't be any trees left to hug. Trevor: Oh yeah? Well I don't need the vote of some tree hugger. Good news is, nut girl would probably vote for you unlike me. Trevor: (turns to Maddie) Maddie: It doesn't get any deeper than that. They're soft from the banana yet crunchy from the nuts. Except what I said about the banana nut muffins. Bob: Isn't this awesome? Jeremy: It's like a little house.